Thursday, April 3, 2008

Keep talking (and emailing, and texting, and...)

Communicate, and you will ensure a certain level of success. Have you fallen behind on an assignment? Immediately let your teacher know. Are you beginning to feel differently about your college list than you did last month? A call home and a visit to your college counselor, asap. Did you just ace a major evaluation? Send an email to update your colleges. Feeling a nagging pain? Check with the trainer. In every part of school life, communication helps immensely.

The harder something is to say, most likely the more important it is to say. Money, status, pride, independence – if one of these is on the line, you may be tempted to avoid the discussion. For example, you have a sense that your folks aren’t sure they can pay for an expensive college, but you really want to go to one. The time to have that talk is before you apply, and for good measure bring your college counselor into the picture.

Communication is the best insurance against real crisis.

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